May Meeting

The 11th May meeting will be a virtual meeting via Zoom.  Here is the Agenda May 2020  and due to the lockdown the agenda will not be put up on the noticeboards. If you would like to ‘attend’ the virtual meeting please send an email to the clerk for the access codes.

We have the Guildford Environmental Forum coming to give us a talk on Monday 16th March on following subject – How should Guildford react to the climate emergency? See the flyer below for more information. The talk is open to all.

GEF talks flyer Shackleford

January Meeting

  • the next Parish Council meeting will be at The Shackleford Centre on January 13th at the new slightly later time of 7.45pm….

May Meeting

The May meeting will be on Tuesday 7th May at the Shackleford Centre at 7.30pm – it will be the Annual Parish Meeting immediately followed by the May Parish Council meeting.

March Meeting

The March meeting will be held at 7.30pm on 19th March in the Brigstocke Room at the Shackleford Centre.

Development between Aarons Hill and Halfway Lane

The application for 262 houses will go to Waverley Joint Planning Committee soon.  Guildford Borough Council has also just included the other ‘half’ of this site in a modification to their Local Plan – this earmarks the other half for a further possible 200 houses.

This modification, along will several others, is now the subject of a consultation until 12pm on 23 October 2018. Anyone wishing to comment on this amendment can do so by submitting comments to the Inspector via GBC at The schedule of modifications can be found at https:/ Shackleford Parish Council will submit  objections as development at Aarons Hill would mean a loss of Green Belt land, loss of views and openness, damage to the environment and  increased pressure on infrastructure, local services and, most worryingly, the inadequate road network.